Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hard/Spot News: Southern Utah Performing Arts Festival

 I decided to shoot Southern Utah's Performing Arts Festival for my hard news assignment. While shooting this assignment, I couldn't help but notice how similar this type of photography was to shooting a wedding reception. I strapped on my telephoto lens, and tried to sit back in the crowd and document what I saw without being noticed, much like I would at a wedding reception. But I guess if you think about it, shooting an event like a wedding reception can sort of be considered photo-journalistic.  

As someone who used to perform in SUPAF, I kind of had the competitive advantage while shooting, because I knew what to look for, and I knew what would make interesting shots. I also had a background understanding of what the event was, so I didn't have to ask, or figure it out on my own. 

I think that the main difficulty of shooting this even was that it was the fact that the visual scenes that occur are so repetitive.  Something else is that I was definitely a little bit self conscious about how loud my shutter was... and I couldn't figure out how to make it less noisy. Woops!

All in all, I'd say that I got a somewhat successful take, given that it was so dark, and that my telephoto lens isn't super great.

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